When you are looking for a fresh start, it is sometimes important to run a retrospective session….
Something interesting I was thinking today. Dedication is something important and usually cheered and looked as a…
Socializing is hard. I’ve spent years being the shy person, the introverted one who needs a bit…
Night Watch by Sir Terry Pratchett is my favorite book. However I’ve been asked couple times why? And that is a very hard question and after finishing a reread of it just today I decided to try to think about that and answer that question.
Tldr; Motivation = trying to make yourself to like doing things, Discpline – doing things even if you don’t like them.
I hope you know, You’ll forever be my virtue my vice.
Yes fills time. No makes time. It is that simple. Act accordingly.
“Finding oneself and one’s path is like waking up on a foggy day. Be patient, and presently the fog will clear and that which has always been there can be seen. The path is already there to follow.”
Some mistakes hurt. Some mistakes should hurt. So you remember them. So you avoid them. Pain is…
Then turn selfishness into a weapon! Make all things yours! Make other lives and dreams and hopes yours! Protect them! Save them! Bring them into the sheepfold! Walk the gale for them! Keep away the wolf! My dreams! My brother! My family! My land! My world! How dare you try to take these things, because they are mine! I have a duty!”